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Malayalam Movies and Songs

Malayalam Movie Story Writers

Story Writers Life Career Total Movies
G Prem - 2015 - 20151
Bala - 2006 - 20121
Bheeman RaghuBorn : 19531982 - 20231
Balu Narayanan - 2017 - 20231
Harilal Gandhi - 2014 - 20141
Chandradas - 2001 - 20011
Chandran - 1964 - 19671
GS PradeepBorn : 19722003 - 20191
Manoj Nair - 2016 - 20161
Geethu Mohandas - 1986 - 20191
Indu - 1971 - 19711
Ipe Paramel - 1989 - 19881
Dhanoj Naik - 2016 - 20161
Jayaprakash Kuloor - 2001 - 20121
Kiran Mohan - 2018 - 20181
Kottayam Chellappan - 19711959 - 19671
Sujith Sajith - 2010 - 20121
Kuttanadu Ramakrishna Pillai - 1949 - 19491
LenaBorn : 19811998 - 20231
Balamuralikrishna - 2002 - 20021
MU Praveen - 2009 - 20171
Manoj Alunkal - 2015 - 20151
Dhanwanthari - 2001 - 20011
Padmendra Prasad - 2015 - 20151
Ramesh Kanna - 2006 - 20101
PK Mohan - 1981 - 19811
MS Muralidharan - 2002 - 20021
Rakesh Gopan - 2014 - 20141
Sabitha Jayaraj - 2001 - 20011
Saiju Kurup - 2013 - 20131

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